Imagine, when we call a strike and everyone refuses to work until we redistribute the wealth of the world.
- Fight Club
Yup. I don't detest work at all.
Actually, undo those stars. I'm not done with my work rant.
Accounts/Admin Assistant. What a shitty abstract position. So am I an account or an admin assistant you ask. I don't know myself as well. No shit. Fundamentally, it's just a low budget no brainer lack of resource shithole I got myself into. I can't really tell you my daily work routine here or you'll slit my throat and mug me when I'm on my way to bank tomorrow. Shit I just revealed myself wtf.
Everything here is a photocopy of a photocopy of a photocopy. (I just wanted to use this fucking awesome phrase from fight club, actually I don't really know what it meant wtf) Everyone does the same mundane routine and fucking looks forward to weekends. It's like zombieland for christ's sake. They sleep with their eyes open on weekdays and wake up to life on weekends. Do they really have a life during weekends? I don't know.
When I say everyone, I'm so including myself in the vortex of work hell. I'm slowly being sucked into doing things from muscle memory rather than my brain. I take a stack of notes and I know it's a fucking $2x100 pcs. And at the end of the month you get $10x150pcs and buy stuff you don't really need just so you can goto work hell the month after and repeat the same whole damn thing again.
Fuck our lives. Fuck our generation. Fuck the advertisements. Fuck civilization.
I have no conclusion to this at all as I have no answer to life, yet. What's our purpose here? Earn as much money as you can, spend it and bring the leftovers to your grave? So that our next generation will follow our footsteps continue to vandalize the world till extinction.
Turn on your tv sets and watch the news. It's everywhere.
End of work rant.