
10 things I'm grateful for

1. I'm alive wtf
2. This is irrelevant but i think something fcking huge is coming up next week. WOW LOOK AT THE DATE 29TH IS ALMOST HERE HAHAHA.
3. Well it's march, which means may is coming, which means phone contract is ending, which means the sky is opening up and I can get a new phone wtf. But how am I gonna afford one? Please refer to point no.2 wtf
4. Awesome people at work.
5. Not so awesome people at work, so people who are awesome actually stand out more wtf.
6. The other job waiting for me, exponentially more interesting.
7. PP fucking stream of course.
8. Food and maybe some booze.
9. Paycheck. To pay for future presumptuous school fees wtf.
10. People at home.

And this sums up the month of march.



I got fucking goosebumps all over. She can sing her butt off and she's gonna weeeeen. Her or the rad tattoo dude Andrew Garcia.


I got lowballed for a job offer. Why am I even surprise? Story of my fucking life.

I'm stuck in a shit perpetual state where everything is too awesome to be true. I don't wanna be no pessimist but I need a good reason to believe again, that good things DO happen.

People at work are getting tricky. For now, I'm gratified on just observing and keeping an open mind about things. But I do think I have friends there that I can trust and it's all cool until it's not.

HOHOHO! I'm so mysterious did you just peed in your panties??? HAHAHA KBAI